How it Works - Reward Rating

Your total RR is based on the number of elements multiplied by the respective boost rating of the collections.

Boosts are individual multipliers associated with the respective participating collections.

Assuming you have 5 NFTs from collection X enjoying a Boost of 1 and 20 NFTs from collection Y enjoying a Boost of 0.15.

Your Total RR   = (5 x 1) + (20 x 0.15) 
                = 8

Liquidity Pools are based on every 100 tokens contributed to the pools (and within the LP range).

Assuming now you have 500 KOALA tokens in KOALA/WAX Alcor Liquidity Pool (and within the LP range) which enjoys a Boost of 10. Adding to the previous example:

500 tokens in LP = 5 elements

Your Total RR   = (5 x 1) + (20 x 0.15) + (5 x 10)
                = 58

Last updated