
You get 1 KCHAT per valid message in English. (Not all messages)

A valid chat refers to a message that is not short, repetitive consecutive or spammy.

The bot is constantly evolving and what counts as valid messages may change over time, in line with user behaviour. Hence it is not necessary to chat and check your KCHAT balance to find out what works and what doesn't.

KCHAT Communities strongly believes in Your Chat, Your Style.

You will not be banned by KCHAT from any group for invalid messages, and Group Owners need not police the group in any way for KCHAT. The bot will decide for itself to award or not award a KCHAT.

Hence, strive for kind and meaningful chats in your style (You do not need to change the way you talk) and the KCHAT will come organically.

Remember, KCHAT is not a per message reward system. It is a suite of rewards including free NFTs and more!

Last updated